Sunarti Salim, Rahmat Sabuhari


The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze:
(1) the positive and significant effect of perceived organizational support
on affective commitment; (2) the effect of perceived organizational
support positively and significantly on job satisfaction; (3) The effect of
job satisfaction positively and significantly on Affective Commitment;
and (4) Perception of Organizational Support positively and significantly
towards Affective Commitment through job satisfaction at PT Telkom
Indonesia, Ternate City.The data analysis technique used in this study
is SEM analysis using Smart Partial Least Square (PLS) version 3 as a
statistical test tool.
Methodology: The analytical model used are Structural Equation
Modeling with SMART PLS as tools for the statistical test. Data
collection tools used are questionnaires and interviews, and the number
of respondents was 151 employee.
Finding: The results of the SEM-SMART-PLS calculation show that the
t-statistic value of 5.854 is greater than the t-table of 1.96 and the value
of = 5% is smaller than the p-value of 0.000. This means that hypothesis
1 is accepted.Furthermore, the second hypothesis testing shows the tstatistic
value of 8,047 which is greater than the t table value of = 5%,
which is smaller than the p-value of 0.000. Testing the third (H3)
hypothesis shows that the t-statistic value of 6.708 is also greater than
the t-table value of = 5% smaller than the p-value of 0.000. This means
that hypothesis 3 is accepted. Testing the fourth hypothesis (H4),
namely the t-statistic value of 4,870, the value of = 5%, which is smaller
than the p-value of 0.000. This means that hypothesis 4 is accepted.
Conclusion: The conclusions in this study are: (1) Perception of
organizational support has a significant positive effect on affective
commitment; (2) Perception of organizational support has a significant
positive effect on job satisfaction; (3) Job satisfaction has a significant
and positive effect on affective commitment; and (4) job satisfaction is
a variable mediating the effect of perceived organizational support on
affective commitment.

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