Pengaruh Perilaku Konsumen Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kue Khas Ternate (Bagea, Makron dan Roti Kenari)

Lidia Ferial Alhadar, Abdul Hadi Sirat


The purpose of this study is to know and analyze: (1)
The influence of cultural factors on buying decisions typical of
Ternate; (2) The influence of social factors on the purchase decision
of the typical cake of Ternate; (3) The influence of personal factors
on buying decisions typical of Ternate; (4) Influence of
psychological factor to decision of purchasing cake typical of
Ternate; and (5) The influence of cultural, social, personal and
psychological factors on the buying decision of Ternate cakes
Methodology: The test equipment used is multiple regression
analysis using statistical package for social scientists (SPSS) as a
statistical test tool. The number of samples of the study were 100
Finding: H1, H2, H3, H5, and H5 are accepted at the 5%
confidence level.
Conclusion: The results showed that: (1) Cultural factors (X1) have
a positive and significant effect partially on the purchase decision of
typical cakes ternate. These results are based on t arithmetic values
greater than t table values and smaller significance values than
alpha; (2) Social factors (X2) have a positive and partially significant
effect on buying decision of typical cakes of ternate. This result is
based on a larger F count value and a smaller significance value
than the alpha value; (3) Personal factors (X3) have a positive and
partially significant effect on buying decision of Ternate typical cake.
This result is based on a larger F count value and a smaller
significance value than the alpha value; (4) psychological c factors
(X4) have a positive and partially significant effect on buying
decision of Ternate typical cake. This result is based on a larger F
count value and a smaller significance value than the alpha value;
and (5) Cultural factors, social factors, personality factors, and
psychological factors have a positive and significant influence
simultaneously on the decision to purchase a typical cake Ternate.

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Editorial Office: Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Khairun, Jl. Jusuf Abdulrahman Kotak Pos 53 Gambesi, Kota Ternate, Indonesia. 

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