Putri Ekawati Darma


This study examine whether growth and mature firms in the manufacturing sector of Indonesia follow the packing order theory. Futhermore, the company researched whether the stongergrowth tends to follow the packing order theory

than mature. The sample were companies in the manufacturing industry 2007 –
2011. Hypothesis testing using multiple regresion analysis and augmented model. Based on classification, companies growth tends to more than mature. The result analysis showcompany growth experienced deficiency cash grather than the mature. Analysis of the results also indicated that group of the company which follow packing order theory is a company growth. It is shown from a correlation between  deficiency cash with additional debt new issue. These results indicated by a coefficient deficit squared is negative and deficit is positive. While based on analysis to the company mature exhibit no packing order theory because the result of testing no significant. Based on the findings, it is concluded that group of the company economic growth experienced a shortage of cash greater than that of mature. The group of companies that follow the packing order theory is the company growth. Group of the company growth also tends more strong follow pecking order theory than mature. 


Capital Structure, Life Cycle of Firm, Pecking Order Theory

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