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Author Guidelines

Dear Author,,

Before you submit, the authors should read the New Info in the Download Menu, which is located on the left side of the website or at the bottom of the Template.


The draft is submitted to the OJS and also the editor of Techno: Jurnal Penelitian through email at The soft copy is in file Microsoft Word. File Microsoft form with the name of the author (corresponding author).

Author/s who wants to submitted his/her article, please expected to consider the following rules:

The general writing format

  1. The draft is typed on a computer using MS Word without columns (except title, subtittle, name authors, abstract) font Book Antiqua size 11pt, A4 paper, above margin 3,5 cm, bottom margin 1,75cm, left margin 3 cm and right margin is 1,5 cm.
  2. Maximum number of page 10 pages
  3. The pages is numbered and placed on the right below
  4. Manuscript contains: title, affiliation, abstract, keywords, introduction, method, results, discussion, conclusion and suggestion, acknowledgements and references

Book Antiqua, not exceeded 14 words, font size 14pts, bold, one space, first word is capital, short, clear, briefly and informative.

Authors data
Book Antiqua, font size 11pts, Full name (capital), without title, name of institution (with postal code), email address. Research team with different affiliation should written:

1Department, Faculty, University, country
Institution Address (postal code)
2Department, Faculty, University, country
Institution Address (postal code)

Abstract is written in Indonesia and English, not exceeded from 150-300 words in one paragraph, including the summary along with the background, the purpose of the research, findings and conclusion. Keywords about 5 words written alphabetically.

Provide the background, reason, and purpose of the research. This is an essential part for the readers who do not familiar with the topic. The background includes previous journals related to the topic of the research. The purpose of the research is placed at the end of the introduction. The citation on text is name and year (e.g: Albert, 2009 or Albert et al., 2014). If there are two authors use  (e.g: Albert & Grey, 2003).

Research method and data analysis should be explained. The method used, including how to use the tools, should be written in detail if it is a new method that has never been published. Unit of measurement uses international standard unit (g, kg, L, cm) and writing model g/L. If the research uses some strains/isolates/strains, they should be written in table form with the identity (name, code, number of collection, source and other characters). Tables and images are in separate file. Give description on top of the table. The description for image is below the image.

The results are listed by research method. Omitting references in results. Images, graphics and table is 11 pts Book Antiqua, one space and auto fit to window.

Discussions are presented clearly and informative. Data discussed by comparing the data obtained with the previous data. Explaining the similarities and differences as well as demonstrate the uniqueness of the invention.

Conclusion and Suggestion
The conclusion is the summary of the issue presented. Suggestion (if there are / optional) should be based on the research findings and refer for future research.

Address appreciations to people who play the main role in the research, such as the research sponsor and those who assist the research process (institution or individual).


  1. The author's name should be clear. If the author's name consists of more than one word, then used the last name, first name and middle name should be abbreviated. E.g: Taufik Ahmad Wahyudi written Wahyudi, A.T.
  2. If there are more than two authors then all the author's name is listed (not abbreviated by et or et al). Format: (name of the author, year of publication), (name of first author and the second author's name, year of publication), (the first author's name, second author's name, the third authors name. The year of issue) and so on.
  3. Adapted reference adapted minimal last 10 years.
  4. Adapted reference is 70% scientific journals with DOI number.
  5. We encourage author(s) to write the References using Reference-Manager software. There are options for such software, freeware or paid software. Free software recommended by the editor is Mendeley.
  6. References writing format should be composed containing only references referred to in the manuscript in alphabetic order according to the bibliographic format of APA style:
  • National/International Journals
  • Author 1, Author 2, Author 3. Year. Title. Journal Name. volume (number):page. DOI Number
  • E.g: Wahyudi, A.T, Takeyama H, Okamura Y, Fukuda Y, Matsunaga T. 2003. Characterization of Aldehyde Ferredoxin Oxidoreductase-Gene Defective Mutant in Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. vol 303(2):223-229. doi:
  • National/International Proceeding
  • Author 1, Author 2, Author 3. Year. Title. Proceeding name. Date of Seminar/Symposium. Place: Publisher. ISSN/ISBN. page. E.g: Sudarmono dan Elly, K.A. 2011. Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Kabupaten Katingan Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah dalam Melestarikan Buah-Buahan Lokal Kalimantan di Kebun Raya Katingan. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hari Lingkungan Hidup. 23 Juli 2011. Purwokerto: PPLH-LPPM UNSOED. ISBN 978-602-19161-0-0. hal 30-38.
  • Book
  • Author 1, Author 2, Author 3. Year. Title. Place: Publisher. page. E.g: Delaplane KS and Mayer DF. 2000. Crop Pollination by Bees. New York: CABI Publishing. pp 344.
  • Setiadi, Parimin, Haryadi L. 2006. Bertanam Melon. Jakarta: Penebar Swadaya. hal 96.
  • Chapter from book
  • Author 1, Author 2, Author 3. Year. Book title: chapter of book title. in: Editor (eds). title. Place: Publisher. page.. E.g: Weir BS. 2006. Intraspecific differentiation. In: Hillis DM, Moritz C, Mable BK (eds). Molecular Systematics. 2nd ed. Massachusetts: Sinauer Assc. pp 385-405.
  • Colleges research/thesis/dissertation
  • Author. Year. Title [Thesis/Dissertation]. Place: University. E.g: Widayanti KA. 2006. Color Perception of L4M5 Gene Carrier Female Macaca fascicularis [Thesis]. Bogor: Bogor Agricultural Univ.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Saya menyatakan bahwa artikel yang akan saya daftarkan pada Techno Jurnal Penelitian: (1) sudah diperiksa menggunakan program plagiarism, bahwa tidak mengandung unsur plagiasi, (2) belum pernah diterbitkan (termasuk tidak sedang dalam status in-press), dan (3) tidak sedang didaftarkan di jurnal lain pada saat yang bersamaan.

    I confirm that the manuscript submitted to this Techno Jurnal Penelitian: (1) has been checked a plagiarism software/application, such as Turnitin, that it does not contain plagiarism, (2) has not been published elsewhere (or even in-press elsewhere), and (3) is not being submitted for publication in other journals in the same moment.

  2. Saya telah menulis manuscript sesuai dengan gaya selingkung jurnal dan format yang ditentukan.

    I have prepared my paper dan files in accordance with the journal style and format requirements.

  3. Saya memahami dan menyesuaikan penulisan artikel sesuai dengan pedoman penulisan Techno Jurnal Penelitian. Jika syarat minimal tidak dipenuhi, maka saya paham bahwa artikel akan langsung ditolak.

    I understand and has written my manuscript carefully according to the author guidelines. I understand that unsuitable manuscripts will be automaticaly rejected.

  4. Penulis wajib mengisi nomor telepon aktif di bagian form registrasi, untuk komunikasi sewaktu-waktu jika diperlukan.

    Authors must provide active phone numbers in the registration form, for urgent communication if required.

  5. Sekali lagi saya menyatakan bahwa artikel saya bebas plagiarisme dan telah diperiksa menggunakan perangkat aplikasi plagiarisme, seperti Turnitin.

    Once more, I confirm that my manuscript has avoided plagiarism and has been checked using a plagiarism software/application, such as Turnitin.


Copyright Notice

Techno Jurnal Penelitian with ISSN(e): 2580-7129, is published by the Research and Community Service, Khairun University (LPPM Unkhair). Techno Jurnal Penelitian has been accredited The Director General of Research and Development Strengthening, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia (Kemenristekdikti RI) decision Number  36/E/KPT/2019 which is valid for five years since enacted on 26 September 2019.

Creative Commons License
Techno Jurnal Penelitian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party


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