Analysis of Rolling Motion to Obtain Moments of Inertia in a Compound Objects With Video-based Laboratory (VBL)
This study aims to get the moment of inertia in compound objects by comparing the calculation results with the help of Video-based Laboratory, namely Tracker software. The variable used is the difference in the number of balls to fill the cavity on the cylinder which is a hollow cylinder containing 1 solid ball, a hollow cylinder containing 2 solid balls then a hollow cylinder containing 3 solid balls. The balls have the same radius. Based on the results of the comparison of the moment of inertia between the value obtained with the help of the tracker and the value of the integral calculation result obtained results on a hollow cylinder containing one ball, there is a difference in value comparison of about ±0,070 x10-3 kg m2, on hollow cylinders containing two balls about ± 0,041 x10-3 kg m2, and on hollow cylinders containing three balls, there is a difference of ± 0,002 x10-3 kg m2. The biggest difference between the three data is when the hollow cylinder is filled with only one ball, but when it is filled with three balls, the value of the moment of inertia is almost the same or the difference is getting smaller. So in this study, it can be concluded that the more balls in a hollow cylinder, the closer the value of the moment of inertia. In addition, the greater the mass of objects, the greater the moment of inertia produced.
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