The Design and Implementation E-Scaffolding Enhance Learning (ESEL) Using Web-based Simulation on Moment of Inertia

Lia Laela Sarah, Yudi Ananto, Dona Octanary, Lissiana Nussifera


In this study, E-Scaffolding Enhance Learning (ESEL) using Web-based simulation has been designed and implemented. The scaffolding approach in this research is a conceptual scaffolding of the moment of inertia. Web-based simulation consists of 2D and 3D simulation. The 3D simulation was developed using unity software and 2D simulation was developed using scratch and articulate storyline software. All simulation was published as an Html file, and finally inserted into the website. The validation of the product was carried out by experts such as a physics lecturer and a physics teacher. The implementation phase was carried out through collaborative distance learning between one Senior High School in Bandung and one school in West Nusa Tenggara. The validation results show that ESEL using Web-based simulation on moment of inertia is deserved with an average score of 92% in the very good category. Nevertheless, there are several improvements still need to be made in terms of the appearance of the Web-based 3D simulation especially when it is accessed by phone cell. The appearance of the Web-based 3D simulation is still not responsive for smartphones. But based on the questionnaire result of students, ESEL using Web-based simulation on moment of inertia has a value 71% which means that ESEL has a good category of validation and is interesting for the students. ESEL using Web-based simulation also improves students’ activities in the distance learning of physics classroom.


Scaffolding approach, Web-based simulation, Distance learning

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