Aplikasi Metode Importancae Performance Analysis dalan Analisa Tingkat Pelayanan Mode Speedboat

Abdul Gaus, Chaerul Anwar, Sutrisno Putra



Speedboat merupakan salah satu  moda yang mengbungkan pusat kota Ternate dengan pusat kota Tidore Kepulauan. Meningkatnya pelaku perjalanan menggunakan moda ini menuntut perlunya perhatian terhadap aspek kenyamanan dan keselamatan pengguna moda. Kondisi di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa moda speedboat beraktivitas pada siang maupun malam hari, pada berbagai cuaca dan mengangkut bukan hanya manusia namun juga barang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat pelayanan speedboat menurut penilain pengguna moda menggunakan metode analisis Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). IPA digunakan untuk memetakan hubungan antara importance (kepentingan) dengan performance (kinerja) dari masing-masing atribut pelayanan menurut penilaian penumpang speedboat Ternate-Tidore. Tingkat pelayanan moda transportasi speedboat Ternate-Tidore menggunakan metode IPA didapatkan variabel yang memiliki kepentingan/Harapan yang tinggi namun pada kinerja/realita tidak cukup baik, yaitu variabel penerangan di malam hari,  ketersediaan baju pelampung/life jacket dan ketersediaan kotak P3K. Sedangkan variabel yang dianggap kurang penting oleh penumpang, tetapi kinerjanya baik sehingga penumpang menganggap kinerja tersebut berlebihan, yaitu variabel layanan informasi dan tarif speedboat, ketersediaan pelontar .


Kata kunci Speedboat, Moda Transportasi, Importance Performance Analysis




Speedboat is one of transportation modes connecting the city central of Ternate to the city central of Tidore Island. The increase in travellers who use the mode requires attention on the aspect of comfort and safety of the mode users. Field condition indicates that speedboat mode starts active at noon and night in various weathers. The mode is not only transported people but also goods. The research aimed to analyze the speedboat service level based on the appraisal from the mode users using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method. IPA used to map the relationship between the importance and performance of each service attribute according to the appraisal of the passengers of Ternate-Tidore speedboat. The service level of Ternate-Tidore speedboat transportation mode using IPA method indicated that there were variables with high importance/expectation but less performance/reality, which were night lighting variable, the availability of life jacket and first aid box, whereas, variables considered as less important by the passengers but had good performance so that passengers regarded them as overwhelmed were information service variable, speedboat rate, and the availability of thrower.


Keywords  Speedboat, Transportation Mode, Importance Performance Analysis

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33387/tk.v6i01.554


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TECHNO: Jurnal Penelitian
Published by: LPPM Universitas Khairun
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