Analisis Kualitas Air yang Tercemar Merkuri (Hg) di Perairan Teluk Kao Halmahera Utara
Penelitian ini menganalisis dan menentukan tingkat pencemaran merkuri (Hg) di perairan Teluk Kao Halmahera Utara. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei observasi wawancara dan pengambilan sampel air dengan cara purposive sampiling sedangkan untuk analisis air dan sedimen mengunakan alat spektrofotometer penyerap atom (atomic absorption spectrophotometer, AAS). Analisis kualitas air sungai, air laut di perairan Teluk Kao Halmahera Utara untuk pagi dan sore dengan nilai sebesar 0,004 mg/L - 0,0038 mg/L.  Sedangkan kandungan merkuri (Hg) untuk sedimen pagi dan sore dengan nilai 0,0032, mg/L - 0,0076 mg/L. Berdasarkan dari hasil tersebut bahwah mutu air sungai Kobok dan Taolas di perairan Teluk Kao Halmahera Utara sudah tidak bisa dikonsumsi sesuai Peraturan Pemerintah Pengelolaan air minum secara konvensional (kelas 1), 0,001 ppm, (kelas 2 dan 3), 0,002 ppm dan (kelas 4). 0,005 ppm dengan demikian mutu air sungai Teluk Kao sudah tidak aman untuk di konsumsi bagi masyarakat Teluk Kao. Sedangkan untuk sedimen sungai Kobok dan Taolas Teluk Kao sudah tidak lagi memenuhi Standar Bahan Baku Mutu sesuai Peraturan Pemerintah No. 82 Tahun 200 kelas I. 0,001 mg/L kelas II. 0,002 mg/L kelas III. 0,002 mg/L kelas IV 0,005 mg/L.
Kata kunci: Pencemaran; merkuri (Hg);air sungai; air laut; sedimen
The research analyzed and determined the level of mercury (Hg) pollution in Kao Gulf waters of North Halmahera. Method used was survey, observation, and interview. Water sampling was conducted with purposive sampling. Water and sediment analysis was conducted using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). Analysis of river water and sea water quality in Kao Gulf waters of North Halmahera was conducted in the morning and afternoon with value of 0.004 mg/L – 0.0038 mg/L. Whereas, mercury (Hg) content for sediment in the morning and afternoon was 0.0032, mg/L – 0.0076 mg/L. Based on the result, the water quality of Kobok and Taolas River in Kao Gulf waters of North Halmahera cannot be consumed because based on the Government Regulation on conventional drinking water management the water quality value is 0.001 ppm (class 1), 0.002 ppm (class 2 and 3), and 0.005 ppm (class 4); therefore, the water quality in Kao Gulf river is not safe to be consumed by the community in Kao Gulf. Regarding sediment of Kobok river and Taolas of Kao Gulf, it was no longer met the Quality Standard according to the Government Regulation No. 82/2001 which is: Class I of 0.001 mg/L, Class II of 0.002 mg/L, Class III of 0.002 mg/L and Class IV of 0.005 mg/L.
Keywords: Pollution; mercury (Hg); river water; sea water; sedimentFull Text:
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