Diseminasi Teknologi Pengolahan Produk Berbasis Komoditas Pisang Untuk Peningkatan Pendapatan Masyarakat Desa Margahayu Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

D. Yadi Heryadi, Betty Rofatin, Yogi Nirwanto


Abstract. Margahayu Village, Manonjaya District, is one of the centers for banana commodities in the Tasikmalaya Regency. Generally, bananas have low economic value if all of them are sold fresh. The Puji Jaya and Sinar Rahayu Joint Business Group (KUB) in Margahayu Village as partners utilize bananas drive through various processed products such as banana sale and chips to increase the product's added value. However, this partner KUB has not developed significantly. The partner is mainly due to the application of processing technology that is still traditional, including drying sale and slicing chips, so that the scale of its business is finite or micro. These are the main problem despite other problems. As a form of concern for the University of Siliwangi to help accelerate the quality and quantity of progress and community welfare by utilizing local wisdom, technology strengthening is carried out by disseminating technology for processing banana commodity-based products. This activity disseminates technology products for the craftsman community, which is technically necessary and allows it to be carried out. This activity utilizes the Disseminated Technology Product Program to the Community (PTDM), initiated by the National Research and Innovation Institution (BRIN). Some of the main partner problems that are handled are 1) Weak managerial aspects of KUB partners, 2) Product Processing Technology is still homely/traditional 3) Product diversification/diversity is still finite, 4) Packaging, product labeling is homely, 5) Finite product marketing, 6 ) KUB does not yet have a license and 7) Raw materials are still diverse. activities have been carried out to deal with the problems, as follows: 1) Extension of the institutional aspects of the group; 2) Using a chip slicer and sale drying oven; 3) Training on alternative types of products; 4) Packaging and labeling; 5) Expansion of products to gift shops; 6) PIRT license; 7)Banana Farm demonstration plot. Methods are carried out through extension, training, demonstration, and mentoring. Technology dissemination activities have increased the socio-economic impact by increasing indicators of psychological assets, informational assets, organizational assets, material assets, financial assets, and human assets. The outcomes achieved are publications in mass media, videos, seminars, and journals.

Keywords: Dissemination, Demonstration Plot, Joint Business Group, Processing

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