KarakteristikSensoriJagung Bose Instan Dan KonvensionalSebagaiMakananKhasMasyarakat Timor Barat

Jefrianus Nino, Hyldegardis Naisali, Werenfridus Taena, Vinsensia Ulia Rita Sila, Maria Yustiningsih


Abstract. Jagung Bose is a traditional dish in West Timor (North Central Timor, TTU). This jagung bose is typically made with a variety of ingredients and takes a long time to prepare. Instant jagung bose is a ready-to-eat jagung bose product that only takes a few minutes to prepare. The purpose of this study is to see how consumers react to instant jagung bose versus traditional jagung bose. The sensory qualities are color, scent, texture, and taste, and the method used is a hedonic scale method of 1-7. (dislike very much). In sensory tests, the judges preferred traditional jagung bose to quick jagung bose, but there was no significant difference in taste parameters between the two.

Keywords: Instant Jagung Bose, Traditional jagung Bose, comparation

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