Tingkat Kerapatan Dan Penentuan Dominansi Jenis-Jenis Klotalaria Pada Berbagai Agroekologi Di Pulau Ternate

Hayun Abdullah, Shubzan Andi Mahmud, Sugeng Haryanto, Rima Melati, Gilang Dwi Pamungkas


Abstract. This study aims to determine the analysis of the distribution of vegetation of various types of Clotalaria sp plants on Ternate Island and their dominance. This research was carried out in the Ternate island region. The data analysis technique used in this study was the quadratic method. Based on the results of the study showed that there are 5 species of Clotalaria sp plants found on the island of Ternate. Based on the results obtained from the highest SDR value, the dominant species is Clotalaria sp. Clotalaria incana (23.00%) In Tolire village, the second dominant species is Clotalaria incana (22.00%) in Gambesi village, the third dominant is Clotalaria incana L. (19.00%) in Jambula sub-district, the fourth dominant is Clotalaria incana L (18.45%) in Tubo sub-district. The five species were dominant, Sena occideentalis L (1800%) in Jambula Village, the six Clotalaria trichotoma bojer L species were dominant (16.00%) in the Takome sub-district, and the seven Clotalaria pallidaa aiton species were dominant (15.00%) in Loto sub-district.

Keywords: Density, Dominance, Clotalaria spp

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