Peran Kelompok Tani Dalam Meningkatkan Produktivitas Tanaman Padi Di Desa Sadi Kecamatan Tasifeto Timur Kabupaten Belu
Abstract. Farmers groups are farmers who are formed on the basis of equality, interests, environmental circumstances and familiarity to improve and develop member businesses. The role of farmers groups is the medium of learning organization and cooperation of farmers. Farmers must join a farming group to meet the needs of farmers. The cooperation of members of farmers groups in participating in the activities of farmers groups is very influential on rice productivity. There are three aspects of the role that must be carried out by the farmer group so that the goal is achieved, namely Learning Classes, Cooperation Rides, Production Units. The purpose of this study is to find out the role of farming groups in facilitating farmers as well as the relationship of the role of farmers groups with rice crop productivity. This research was selected in Sadi village, East Tasifeto Subdistrict, Belu Regency. There is also a sample of research consisting of 7 groups of farmers with a total of 72 people. The results showed that the role of peasant groups as learning classes, cooperation vehicles, and production units that have taken care of farmers groups in high categories as much as 100%, in the role of learning class farming groups, cooperation vehicles, production units according to members of the peasant group in the lowest category as much as 40% and the highest as much as 60%. There is a significant role of farmers groups and rice crop productivity because the farmer group has invited and motivated its members so that the farmer group is active in the activities of the farmer group. The farmer group affects productivity so joining the farmer group will be very easy to obtain the means of production.
Keywords: Farmer Group, Role of Farmers Group, Rice Productivity
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