Penyuluhan Strategi Pengambangan Pariwisata Air Panas Di Desa Marimbati, Kecamatan Jailolo Kabupaten Halmahera Barat

Musdar Muhammad, Fajri Hatim, Yetty Yetty, Fahima Nasar


Abstract. Tourism is everything related to the use of environmental areas where local residents get a fair share of income from these activities. The development of tourism in Indonesia has become a world tourist destination as a good resting place to spend vacation time enjoying the natural beauty that exists in the village. Currently, tourists prefer natural tourism that reflects the original condition of the village in an original, unique, regional characteristic which is manifested in the lifestyle of its people. Tourism village is one of the alternative tourism products that can provide impetus for rural development. One of the areas in North Maluku that needs to be developed for tourism by utilizing local potential is West Halmahera Regency. The number of foreign tourist arrivals in West Halmahera Regency in 2020 reached 80 tourists or decreased by 82.03 percent compared to 2019, this was due to the covid pandemic, while in 2019 the number of domestic or local tourists for the North Maluku region and Halmahera Regency West as many as 6,910 tourists. The decrease in the number of tourist visits is a result of the absence of governance in the planning strategy for developing a tourist village area based on the village pattern, inadequate tourism elements in relation to meeting the needs of facilities for tourists, low community knowledge, and irregular institutions.The purpose of this service is to provide counseling and assistance in developing village tourism through natural hot spring tourism to the Marimbati Village government, Jailolo District, West Halmahera Regency. The method used is to conduct Focus Group Discussions (FGD), training, mentoring, and counseling. The community service participants who attended were 50 people. Tourism village institutions are expected to be well organized through institutional improvements by re-activating BUMDES as the legal umbrella for tourism village development. So that the hot springs in Marimbati Village are not only useful for tourists to make tourist visits, but also local potential in the form of traditional food, crafts, clean water (packaged water) and souvenirs in Marimbati Village if managed properly can support income. community as a tourist village. Cooperation partners in the implementation of the Independent Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM), are the Development Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Khairun University with the Marimbati village government.

Keywords: Tourism Village, Planning Strategy, Counseling

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PDF 48-52


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