Kajian Tingkat Kesejahteraan Sosial Ekonomi Pesisir Warga Nelayan Di Pulau Hiri
Abstract. The The economic activity of residents who inhabit all coastal areas including those on the island of Hiri at this time has always been an interesting topic for everyone to do a study on it. Its appeal lies in the resilience of this sub-sector to support the economic activity of residents of the coastal community of Hiri Island amid the onslaught of modern formal sectors on the island of Ternate as well as the tendency of interest of local easy generations that continue to erode due to the attractiveness of Ternate. The goal to be achieved in this study is to examine the condition of the level of social welfare of coastal fishermen and examine the condition of the level of economic welfare of coastal fishermen on the island of Hiri. Qualitative research methods are research methods based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to examine the natural conditions of objects, of which the researcher is a key instrument. Data collection techniques are done triangulation (combined), data analysis is qualitative, and qualitative research results emphasize meaning more than generalizations. Based on the results of the study in general the indicator shows a good and very good classification except the indicator of a bad history of the presenter. In conclusion that the level of social welfare of the fishing community on Hiri Island is good. The level of economic well-being of the fishing community on hiri island is good and very good. The ownership status of the motor boat is its own, the catch obtained is quite large, the marketing of catches is not difficult because it is close to the market area in Ternate, and has a large family income surplus that gives leeway in the needs of the family.
Keywords: Coastal Communities, Hiri Island, Ternate
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