Potensi dan pengembangan Ekowisata Bukit Lona Lada Ake Kota Tidore Kepulauan

Irfan Taher, Asiah Salatalohy


Abstract. The Lada Ake neighborhood is one of the ecotourism destinations in Tidore City, Islands, North Maluku Province. One of the potential ecotourism attractions found in Lona Hill which has a beautiful natural panorama. Unfortunately, its development potential has not been studied further. Even though this potential can have a positive impact on society in the future. This study was conducted to determine the potential for developing Ecotourism in Bukit Lona, Lada Ake Village, Jaya Village, Tidore Islands City in December 2020. The data analysis method includes descriptive analysis and analysis of ecotourism supporting elements and the potential for ecotourism development includes elements of attractiveness, accessibility, conditions around the area. , the availability of clean water and supporting infrastructure. Respondents amounted to 55 people consisting of people who are in and around Lona hills as many as 20 respondents and 35 respondents from tourists. The results showed that a total score of 675 was obtained (potential or feasible to be developed). The feasibility of ecotourism in Bukit Lona is supported by five elements of ecotourism, namely attractiveness, accessibility, socio-economic conditions, availability of clean water, as well as supporting infrastructure and facilities. While the supporting elements that have not played an optimal role in the Bukit Lona ecotourism location are the socio-economic conditions of the community around the area, infrastructure and facilities and the availability of clean water.

Keywords: Ecotourism, Tidore, Lada Ake

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PDF 65-70


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