Analisis Potensi Investasi Sektor Pariwisata Di Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan
Abstract. The process of economic development in South Halmahera always involves production activities in the form of goods and services in all economic sectors. Recently, since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, South Halmahera must have a breakthrough in overcoming the difficulties of declining economic growth. Local governments must make efforts in such a way as to attract investment to the regions through policies to drive investment to boost economic growth, which is outlined in a blueprint for regional investment potential, and is expected to be able to generate multiplier effects and benefits in the form of direct investments such as capital transformation, job creation, transfers. technology, access to global markets, and managerial capabilities. South Halmahera Regency is rich in natural resources and if managed properly it is believed to be able to attract investors to invest. The largest natural resource potentials are mining, fisheries and marine, tourism and agro-complex. All of these potentials have the opportunity to develop through cooperation in trade and industry. Another interesting sector is small island clusters for tourism development.The results of this study are intended to serve as a contextual basis that becomes a guideline for stakeholders in an effort to attract investment in a planned, directed, integrated and sustainable manner based on the directions and policies of National and Regional Development. As investment guidelines, the direction of the work plan in the preparation of tourism sector investment development is expected to function optimally. Referring to this context, the problem in research is how much potential investment in the tourism sector can be relied on to increase regional economic growth.
Keywords: Potential, Tourism,South Halmahera
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