Prospektif Pengembangan Ekowisata Pulau Maitara Sebagai Opsi Menciptakan Mata Pencaharian Berkelanjutan

Mardiyani Sidayat, Mila Fatmawati


Abstract. Maitara Island is one of the small islands in North Maluku Province. In general, the people of this island are working as fishermen, farmers, and fish traders who sell the products  in the local markets of Tidore and Ternate. Currently, in Maitara Island, the ecotourism sector is also being developed which is expected to be an option for creating sustainable livelihoods.Determination of the sample in this study using the Snowball sampling method and then identified using SWOT analysis to determine the development strategy that will be implemented.From the results of the study, it is known that alternative strategies that can be applied in developing ecotourism as a sustainable livelihood is through providing and/or  improvement  of  ecotourism facilities and infrastructure, human resources and support from external stakeholders (government, private companies/BUMN and the general public.

Keywords: Ecotourism development, Maitara, Sustainable livelihoods

Teks Lengkap:

PDF 93-96


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