Karakterisasi Kandungan Kimia Endosperm dan Air Kelapa Bido Pada Tingkat Umur Buah yang Berbeda

Muksin Aswan, Syamsul Bahri, Abu Rahmat Ibrahim


Abstract. Bido coconut is one of the new high yielding coconut varieties originating from Bido Village, North Morotai District, Morotai Island Regency, North Maluku Province. This coconut has a characteristic that is short trunk and large fruit. Bido coconut has begun to bear fruit at the age of 3 years. This study aims to determine the components of Bido coconut (water volume, meat weight, and endosperm thickness), to characterize the chemical content of the endosperm (water, ash, fat, protein, and carbohydrates) and the water content of Bido coconut (pH, total solids, sugar). reduction, potassium, and calcium) at different levels of fruit age. This research was conducted from April to May 2021 using a simple completely randomized design which was repeated three times. The materials used in this study were Bido coconuts aged 6-8 months, 9-10 months, and 11-13 months. Analysis of the chemical content of the endosperm and Bido coconut water followed the standard AOAC procedure. The results of the research on the components of Bido coconut fruit were the volume of water in the range (820-520 ml), endosperm weight (238.97-614.63 g), and endosperm thickness (0.66-1.33 cm). The chemical constituents of the Bido coconut endosperm are water content ranging from (83.22-42.49%), protein content (2.53-4.90%), fat content (2.84-20.47), ash content (0, 81-1.0%) and crude fiber content (8.38-29.27%). The chemical content of Bido coconut water is pH ranged (5.08-5.43 mg/l), total solids ranged (48.0-117.33 mg/l), reducing sugars ranged (1.86-2.19 mg/l). l), potassium in the range (1471.82-1521.06 mg/l), and calcium in the range (218.92-240.07 mg/l).

Keywords: bido coconut, endosperm, chemical characteristics

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