Kajian Karasteristik Tanah Berdasarkan Toposekuen Yang Berbeda Di Kelurahan Foramadiahi Kecamatan Pulau Ternate

Gunawan Hartono, Ramli Hadun


Abstract. The soil is the body of nature that is on the surface of the earth. The soil is above the parent material as well as the parent rock. Soil is also formed from the results of rock weathering which is an interaction of soil-forming factors (climate, organisms, parent material, reliefs, and time). While the soil formation factor itself is an environmental state that serves to drive the process of soil formation. The process of soil formation takes place physically, chemically and biologically. Sloping topography causes the process of soil development to run slowly, because it often experiences erosion that causes soil solum to become shallow. The slope basically consists of the middle peak and the foot of the slope. The way to prevent land damage is about the management of the land. Good soil management, namely land management that considers morphology and physical properties on managed land. Foramadiahi Village is one of the villages found in Ternate Island District and has a slope that varies from 8-55% with a height of 254-354 m above sea level. The purpose of this research is to find out the karasteristic of the land based on different topoculars in The Village of Foramadiahi Ternate Island Subdistrict. The benefits of this research can be information for the community, especially those who live in Foramadiahi Village in land management. This research is carried out using the method of soil survey with transek observation distance, namely soil observations carried out at different land slopes. The soil contained in Foramadiahi Village with a different slope slope in layer I, for profile I (slope 55%), profile II (slope 30%) and profile III (slope 8%) still contains a lot of soil organic material, because it can be seen from the color of the soil. Karasteristic soil found in Foramadiahi Village with different slopes has a similar structure, color, consistency, similarities.
Keywords: Characteristics of soil, toposekuen

Teks Lengkap:

PDF 103-107


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