Pemasaran Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu (HHBK) Di DusunBangkoDesa Dodinga Kecamatan Jailolo Selatan

Aqshan Shadikin Nurdin, Nurhikmah Nurhikmah, Laswi Irmayanti, Iin Nurdiyanty Nurdin, Wiwin Rahmawati Nurdin


Marketing is an economic action that is very influential on the high and low income of producers. This study aims to find out how the marketing channels in Bangko Hamlet, Dodinga Village, South Jailolo District, find out the marketing function of sago for each level of the institution, find out the costs, margins, and benefits of each marketing channel, and find out the farmer share received by farmers. This research was conducted in Bangko Hamlet, Dodinga Village, SouthJailolo District from May to October 2021. The material used was a questionnaire guide. This research method uses interview and observation methods. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive techniques. The first marketing channel is from producers  selling their kasbi plates directly to consumers. Marketing channel II is that producers sell their kasbi plates to collectors who are then sold to consumers. Marketing channel III is almost the same as marketing channel II, but the kasbi plates that are sold by producers to collectors are resold to wholesalers and at the final stage are sold to retailers. The smallest marketing costs are in channel I with a total cost of Rp.0-/kg because the product does not go through intermediaries to get to consumers, Then the second is marketing channel II with a total marketing cost of Rp.1,500/kg, total margin Rp.5,000/kg and the total profit is Rp.3,500/kg. Marketing channel III is the marketing channel with the largest marketing costs, namely Rp. 6,000/kg, marketing margin of Rp. 15,000/kg and profit of Rp. 9,000-/kg. Thus the marketing channel that incurs the least cost is channel I. Keywords: Analysis, marketing, NTFP

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