Penggunaan Perangkap Dan Atraktan Sebagai Salah Satu Teknik Mengendalikan Lalat Buah

Sarni Sarni, Riyadi subur


The problem of fruit flies in the community can be overcome, one of them by using traps. This community service is done to provide solutions for pest control of environmentally friendly fruit flies by utilizing unused items to make traps. This activity is carried out by extension methods and taught to make environmentally friendly traps, as well as the introduction of the type of fruit flies caught. As a result of this service, the community better understands how to control fruit flies who previously only knew about using pesticides, but after being given counseling began to understand there are other methods that are cheaper and environmentally friendly, namely using attractants and traps

Keywords: Fruit flies, attractants, traps


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PDF 143-146


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