Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Masyarakat Adat Terpencil Suku Tugutil, Halmahera Timur, Maluku Utara

Jiandzani Ghina Aninnas, Johan Fahri, Fadhliah M Alhadar, Zauzah Abdullatif


This research is titled the fulfillment of the needs of remote indigenous peoples of the Togutil tribe, East Halmahera, North Maluku. The purpose of this study is to describe, describe the forms of needs of remote indigenous peoples, government assistance to remote indigenous peoples, obstacles that occur at the time of implementation of assistance, and the implications of meeting the needs of remote indigenous peoples related to social work. Qualitative research method, located in Togutil tribe, East Halmahera North Maluku. The results showed that the forms of needs of remote indigenous peoples are physical needs, namely clothing, food and boards, as well as accessibility needs, namely education and health. The assistance provided by the government is an empowerment program with the aim of improving the welfare of remote indigenous peoples and reducing social inequality. The roles of social workers are liaisons, mediators, facilitators, and motivators. Recommendations to the government in terms of empowerment can be more considered and change the orientation of the project to the needs that are actually desired by remote indigenous peoples, as well as the need for deep intervention.

 Keywords: Fulfillment of Needs, Remote Indigenous Peoples, Empowerment.

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