Ulyasniati Ulyasniati, La Rianda La Rianda, Idrus Salam, Tamrin Tamrin


Business actors or farmers engaged in the cultivation and processing of coconut in the Konawe Islands Regency are mostly classified as Micro Enterprises. When referring to statistical data, it shows that the number of Micro Enterprises throughout Indonesia as many as 57,189,393 (98.77%) of the total business actually has a strategic role but in fact tends to be neglected due to the capitalistic hegemony of the Large and Medium Entrepreneurs.In connection with this strategic role, this study aims to analyze the institutional system of coconut processing business (agro-industry). The research method used was Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to explore in depth the problems and actors of the coconut processing business institutional system and their respective needs. In addition to FGDs, Interpretetive Structural Modeling (ISM) analysis techniques were also used to determine the key elements and hierarchical structures of the problems and actors as well as the needs of each actor in the institutional system.The results showed that: 1). The key elements of the coconut processing business development system in the Konawe Islands Regency are coconut farmers and consumers of processed coconut products; 2). The key elements of the needs of actors in the coconut processing business development system are easy access and guaranteed marketing of processed products, the need for rehabilitation, intensification and extensification of coconut plants; 3). Institutional sustainability of coconut processing business development requires assistance from universities (PTN-PTS) whose role is to connect between parties which has been an obstacle for farmers and coconut processors.

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