Analisis Proksimat dan Indeks Glikemik Bolu Berbasis Tepung Labu Kuning dan Tepung Kedelai sebagai Camilan Diabetes Tipe 2

Sepni Asmira, Fauzan Azima, Kesuma Sayuti, Armenia Armenia


Diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 is one of the metabolic disorders with hyperglycemia characteristics that are closely related to lifestyle. In the consumption pattern of DM patients, one of the efforts that must be made to control blood glucose is by consuming foods that have a low glycemic index. Pumpkin and soybeans are local food ingredients with their fiber content having a low glycemic effect. The utilization of these two local foods is expected to produce snacks with a low glycemic index. The purpose of this study was to analyze the organoleptic quality and glycemic index of steamed sponge cake with the addition of pumpkin flour and soybean flour. This experimental study used a completely randomized design with 1 control, 3 treatments, 2 replications. Organoleptic observations used hedonic tests, and determination of GI levels was calculated using the incremental area under the curve (IAUC) formula. Analysis of the organoleptic test data used with the Anova test and the Duncan New Multiple Range test advanced test at 5% level. The results of the proximate analysis of steamed sponge cake showed protein content of 6.9%, water content 42.6%, ash content 1.84%, fat content 22.64% and carbohydrate content 26.02%. The recommended steamed sponge cake is P3 treatment with the addition of pumpkin flour and soy flour as much as 87 g and 37 g with a low glycemic index value (32,36) as an alternative snack for diabetics.

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