Mutu Bakso Terklaim Halal Di Lingkungan UNEJ
Meatballs as processed beef products are quite popular with consumers. For Muslims, consumption of meat and its processed products must pay attention to the halal element. This research will investigate the halalness and quality of meatballs around the UNEJ campus. Samples were collected from four meatball traders in four different areas around the Jember University campus, namely on Jl. Mastrips; Jl. Kalimantan; Jl. Sumatra and within the Jember University Campus. Taking sampling was carried out three times, and each sampling was tested twice (duplo). The four meatballs sampled around the UNEJ campus did not contain pork. BS meatballs have the highest level of elasticity and brightness. The highest water content of the meatball was the BM sample, and the highest protein content was the BT meatball. However, the highest fat content and carbohydrate content were BK meatballs. The organoleptic quality showed that high aroma, taste, texture and overall attributes were found in BK meatballs. The preferred color quality attribute is meatball BM; BS and BT.
Keywords:  Halal, Meatball, Muslim, Organoleptic, UNEJ
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