Analisis Ekonomi Sayuran Hidroponik (Studi Kasus Di PT. Hanumart Utama Mulia Samarinda)

Sabrina Dea Melinda, Firda Juita, Tetty Wijayanti


Hydroponics is a horticultural commodity that is in great demand by urban communities. The increasing number of hydroponics vegetable interest compared to conventional vegetables is the reason for cultivating vegetables with a hydroponics system. The purpose of this research is to analize the stucture of costs, the amont of revenue, profits and efficiency of the hydroponic vegetable bussiness at PT Hanumart Utama Mulia for six months from March until August 2022. This study used a porposive sampling methode, which is a sampling technique taken from the company’s employees alone. The results of this study indicated that the fixed cost component of PT Hanumart Utama Mulia cost was IDR 39.762.000 and the variable cost component was IDR 15.326.000, so the total poduction cost was IDR 55.088.000. the revenue obtained by the company was IDR 78.894.000 from the total number of vegetable commodities produced. The provit received by the company was IDR 23.805.936. Profits and efficiency are shown by the magnitude of the profits and the RC/ratio value that is more than one in the accumulation of all vegetable commodities, namely 1,43. So it can be concluded that the company’s hidroponic vegetable bussiness was profitable and feasible.

Keywords: Hydroponics, Cost, Profit, Efficiency

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