This study aims to determine the physical diversity of seeds of several walnut genotypes (Canarium indicum L.) from North Maluku. Held at the Seed Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. Observations based on the modified guidelines of Descriptors for walnut (1994), specifically seeds. The observed characters are qualitative and quantitative. Morphological or qualitative characters are observed by scoring, namely the shape of the seed base (BPB), the shape of the seed tip (BUB), the shape of the seed (BBE), the color of the seed tip (WUB), the color of the seed base (WPB), the color of the seed (WB), the motif of seed color (MWB) and the texture of TB seeds. Agronomic characters were analyzed using variable interval classifications namely PB, DB, BB, KC, BKO and JE. To determine phenotypic diversity and kinship relationships between seed genotypes using Cluster analysis and dendograms with the Unweighted Pair Group Method Arithmetic method using numerical taxonomy and multivariate system version 2.02 (Rohlf, 2000). The results of the identification of blunt BPB diversity amounted to 16 genotypes, pointed and round 3 genotypes while blunt BUB amounted to 7 genotypes, pointed 9 and round 6 genotypes. Furthermore, the round BBE amounts to 6 genotypes, oblong 14 and oblong tapered 2 genotypes. Light brown WUB totals 15 genotypes, dark brown 6 and cream 1 genotype, while light brown WPB totals 7 genotypes, dark brown 2 and cream 13 genotypes. Light brown WB 17 genotypes and dark brown 5 genotypes, black MWB 19 genotypes and cream 3 genotypes, while tb fine 5 genotypes and coarse 17 genotypes. The results of the dendogram of 22 genotypes based on 14 morphological and agronomic characters have the closest characteristic equation of kinship, namely the Nge susara and orange Nge genotypes with a coefficient distance value of 73.20%. On the contrary, the farthest based on the similarity of characteristics is the genotype of Ifa daalus with Ifa wagol with a coefficient value of 22.05%.
Keywords : 22 walnut seed genotypes, agronomy, morphology
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