Perilaku Petani Kelapa Sawit Pola Swadaya Menghadapi Fluktuasi Harga Tandan Buah Segar

Rifki Sandewa, Juraemi Juraemi


Farmers will act differently when facing price fluctuations that occur in oil palm farming, especially independent pattern farmers who manage their farming independently. In addition to analyzing the conditions of production costs, revenues, and income when fresh fruit bunch (FFB) price changes occur, this study aims to know how oil palm farmers respond to FFB price fluctuations. From August to October 2022, this study was conducted in Bangun Mulya, Waru District, North Penajam Paser Regency. Using the saturated sample method, 30 oil palm farmers who practice self-help were selected for the sample. Descriptive analysis was used to determine the percentage of behavior among oil palm producers, and quantitative analysis was used to determine the total production costs, revenues, and oil palm income when FFB price fluctuated. The results of this study indicate that farmers’ behavior in dealing with FFB price fluctuations are active (improvement of oil palm plantations) and passive behavior (delaying FFB production, saving). When the FFB price decreased, the average production cost incurred was IDR.1.549.166,50 month-1 ha-1, the average revenue was IDR.3.001.561,67 month-1 ha-1, and the average income was IDR.1.452.395,17 month-1 ha-1. When the FFB price rises, the average production costs are IDR.1.528.333,17 month-1 ha-1, the average revenue is IDR.3.106.291,67 month-1 ha-1, and the average income is IDR.1.577.958,50 month-1 ha-1.

Keywords: Price Fluctuations, Oil Palm, Plantation, Independent Patterns

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PDF 63-67


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