Analisis Nilai Tambah Buah Mangrove (Sonneratia ovata) Sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Sirup Mangrove Di Kota Bontang

Nur Asia, Tetty Wijayanti


Mangrove fruit is a common commodity in coastal areas of Indonesia, including Bontang City. The role of agro-industry to maintain primary products into diversified products to increase added value is very necessary. Therefore, mangrove fruit processing is carried out into Mangrove Syrup Ovata. This research aims to determine income, profit, and added value of the Ovata Mangrove Syrup agro-industry. This research was conducted from September until October 2022 in Tanjung Laut Indah Village, South Bontang District, Bontang City. The Daun Harum Forest Farmers Group is the object of research determined by purposive sampling. The data collection carried out by field researched and library researched. The analytical method was using descriptive quantitative, and the added value was determined by the Hayami method. Meanwhile, the R/C Ratio analysis was used to analyze the profit. The results of this study showed that the income of the Daun Harum Forest Farmers Group was IDR 1,914,453.11 month-1. The R/C ratio of mangrove syrup was 1.62. The added value generated was IDR 140,302.44 kg-1, with a value added ratio of 70.15%. The conclusion of this study is that the Ovata Mangrove Syrup agro-industry was feasible because the R/C ratio is more than 1, and was profitable and able to provided added value to mangrove fruit with a relatively high added value ratio.

Keywords: mangrove fruit, agro-industry, added value

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