Karakteristik Mie Basah Dari Tepung Umbi Gadung

A. Khairun Mutia, M. Darmawan, Tuti Handayani Arifin


Sources of carbohydrates in Indonesia are very abundant, both rice and non-rice. One type of carbohirat producer is gadung tubers. A processed product that can be made from gadung tubers is noodles. To increase the nutritional content of noodles from gadung tubers can be modified with the addition of yellow pumpkin to increase betacarotein. The purpose of the study was to obtain the best comparison of gadung tuber flour in noodle making and analyze the water content and ash content contained in wet noodles made from gadung tubers. The research method used in the study used a complete randomized design (RAL) with 3 treatments and 3 repeats. The noodle making noodle formula in this study used gadung tuber flour with a ratio of A1 = 75% gadung tuber flour and 25% wheat flour, A2 = 50% gadung tuber flour and 50% wheat flour, A3 = 25% gadung tuber flour and 75% wheat flour. The results of the A3 treatment study produced the best noodles compared to other treatments. The results of the proximate analysis of the noodles produced were 10.88% water content and 4.17% ash content. The formulation of wheat flour and gadung flour exerts a noticeable influence on ash content. But it does not have a noticeable effect on water content

Keywords: Gadung, Yellow Pumpkin, Wet Noodles

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PDF 94-99


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