Implementasi Pertanian Kota dengan Model Pengembangan Tanaman Hidroponik

Ramli Hadun, Suratman Sudjud, Hamidin Rasulu


The implementation of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi program within Khairun University is an implementation of the learning process, research and community service. The PKM program initiated is a form of science and technology implementation that will contribute to the wider community, especially the Harapan Baru farmer group in Fitu Village, South Ternate District, Ternate City. The increase in the number of people in urban areas, especially island areas such as Ternate City, has caused an increase in the need for food such as vegetables but is not followed by an increase in land area. Limited agricultural land requires alternative fulfillment of food needs, especially vegetables through the hydroponic method.  The use of media other than soil is very important for urban areas with limited agricultural land.  The methods used in the implementation of activities are socialization and training to the community, especially the Harapan Baru farmer group on how to make hydroponics and the cultivation system of several types of vegetable crops.  The result obtained by the community is the cultivation skills of vegetable crops using the hydroponic method.

Keywords: PKM, Urban agriculture, hydroponics; Farmer Groups

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