Cacing tanah; Indikator Kesehatan Tanah dalam Pengelolaan Tanah untuk Budidaya Tanaman Sayur

Buhari Umasugi, Amiruddin Teapon, Lily Ishak


Earthworms for agriculture are agents in the natural nutrient cycle, where the role of earthworms can determine sooner or later the soil recovery process, making it one of the indicators of soil health and fertility. This study aims to analyze the population level or density of earthworms and their correlation with soil biophysics on vegetable crop cultivation land.  This research is a field research (survey method) conducted in Tobololo Village, West Ternate District with a purpose sample approach. The observation and sampling locations are based on 10 observation points or land map units (SPL) plotted on the field work map which is the result of overlaying topographic maps, land maps and land use maps. The research variables consist of, earthworm population, land use and plant type, air temperature and soil temperature, soil pH as well as C-organic.  Measurement of earthworm populations in the field using the handsorting method at an area of 20x20 cm and a depth of 0-20 cm. The data from the study were analyzed for the distribution of earthworms using a bar diagram and pearson correlation test between the population density of earthworms and soil biophysics. The results showed that the average density of earthworms in vegetable crop cultivation land in Tobololo Village was 17.5 heads / m2. The density of earthworms in vegetable cultivation land in Tobololo Village is at a moderate level where the density level is influenced by soil temperature (r=-0.879) and soil acidification level (r=-0.525) which is negatively correlated very real and real while soil moisture content is posetively correlated (r=-0.480). This level of population density of earthworms indicates a moderate level of soil health and fertility.

Keywords: Earthworms, soil health, vegetable crop land, handsorting method

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