Penentuan Laju Infiltrasi dan Permeabilitas Tanah Pada Beberapa Penggunaan Lahan di Kelurahan Jambula

Nurlela Penhen, Tri Mulya Hartati, Erwin Ladjinga


Water and soil have a very close relationship. When it rains, water that falls to the earth's surface will partly infiltrate to become part of groundwater, and some will become surface runoff. The study of the infiltration rate and soil permeability associated with various land uses is an interesting breakthrough to study, because the type of land use will affect the infiltration and permeability processes in each soil type. This study aims to determine the rate of infiltration and soil permeability in several types of land use in Jambula Village, Ternate Island District. The soil sampling method used the USDA standard method based on land use maps. The results showed that the infiltration rate in the upland land use type ranged from slow to moderate (1.8 - 4.8 cm hour-1). In the bush land use type, the infiltration rate was moderate to rather fast (3.6 - 7.6 cm hour-1), as well as in the mixed garden land use the infiltration rate ranged from moderate to rather fast (3.9 - 7.5 cm hour-1). Soil permeability in the upland land use type was rather slow with a value range of 0.19 cm hour-1 to 1.98 cm hour-1, while the shrubland and mixed garden land use types were classified as moderate with a value of 2.20 cm hour-1 to 2.85 cm hour-1. It appears that different types of land use have different values of infiltration rate and soil permeability although with almost the same criteria. Soil permeability increases with increasing soil infiltration rate.

Keywords: Infiltration Rate, Soil Permeability Rate, Land Use.

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