EXPLORATION OF FUNGUS: Potensi Agensia Hayati Pengendali Patogen Ganoderma boninense Tanaman Kelapa Sawit

Ryan Firman Syah, Agung Rinata, Hari Inti Herlambang, Setya Puji Handayani


Ganoderma fungus attacks on oil palm become dominant due to an imbalance in the agro-ecosystem in oil palm plantations. Utilization of biological agents is a control technique that needs to be prioritized, which in application is compatible with other biological control components. This research was carried out at the Yogyakarta INSTIPER Center laboratory. The implementation procedure includes: taking soil samples, isolating fungi, observing macroscopically and microscopically of fungal colonies, and testing antagonists. Antagonist test in this study was carried out as many as 9 combinations of fungus isolates. Of the nine combinations of fungal isolates that have been tested, the combinations that had the highest and lowest inhibition percentages were T1G2 of 30% and T2G2 isolates of 5.9%. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the potential biological agent found in Ungaran KP2 Gardens is the fungus Trichoderma harzianum. The highest percentage of fungal inhibition was 30% from the antagonistic test results with Ganoderma Boninense. T. harzianum from Ungaran KP2 Plantation was effective in suppressing the growth of the fungus G. boninense that causes stem rot disease in oil palm plants.

Keywords: Oil palm, Biological agents, Fungus

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PDF 180-183


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