Pengembangan Hutan Desa Qahabanga Kelurahan Tobololo Kecamatan Ternate Barat, Kota Ternate

Abdul Kadir Kamaluddin, Mahdi Tamrin, Sitti Hafsyah Nurul Izmi


The village forest of Tobololo Village, West Ternate District, Ternate City has an area of 159 ha which is included in the convertible production forest area. The area is currently managed by the Qahabanga forest farmer group. The objectives of this study are (1) to determine the development of village forests and (2) to develop a strategy for developing village forests in Tobololo Village. Observation and interviews are approaches taken to collect the data needed and formulate strategies using a SWOT matrix to determine the development of village forests in Tobololo Village. SWOT is used to analyze internal and external factors and classify into strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats and then weighting and rating to develop a development strategy. From the results of the study, it can be explained that the Qahabanga village forest has been developed by communities who are members of the forest farmer group (KTH) of Tobololo village. Some of the products produced include pineapple selei, nutmeg juice and land use with an agroforestry system. The S-O strategy (Strengths and Opportunities) is a selected strategy where the factor is a force to take advantage of opportunities from the business that has been built. The strength factor consists of 4 variables with a total scoring value of 3.78, weakness consists of 4 variables with a total scoring of 2.28. While the external factors consist of 4 variables, the total scoring opportunity is 3.53 and the threat is 3 variables with a total score of 2.25.

Keywords: Development Strategy, Village Forests

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PDF 190-195


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