
Optimally functioning farmer organizations are the key to the existence of farmers in the development of innovations in every people's agro-industrial value chain. One of the agricultural commodities that is quite strategically developed as a people's agro-industry is the citronella plant which has various types and various benefits. The functioning of farmer organizations includes 4 (four) things, namely: as a learning class, production unit, cooperation vehicle, and business venture. The existence of farmer organizations is also related to the ability of farmers to innovate in each value chain, which consists of aspects of providing inputs for production, cultivation, processing, marketing, empowering human resources, financing, and supporting institutions. The objectives of the empowerment review are: (a) Describing the function of farmer organizations in the development of innovations in each agro-industrial value chain of citronella commodities, and (b) Describing problems and alternative solutions related to the development of innovations in each agro-industrial value chain of citronella commodities and supporting organizations. The research method is a descriptive method with the type of assessment of empowerment actions through secondary data studies, field observations, in-depth interviews, and FGDs. The data was analyzed descriptively qualitatively to understand the process of managing the empowerment action review program (September 2019-October 2022). The results of the study concluded that: (a) Farmer organizations have not functioned optimally as learning classes, production units, cooperation vehicles, and business enterprises for the development of innovations in each people's agro-industrial value chain based on citronella commodities, and (b) There are a number of obstacles related to the functioning of farmer organizations in the development of innovations in each agro-industrial value chain of citronella commodities, consisting of aspects of providing production inputs,  cultivation, processing, marketing, HR empowerment, financing, and supporting institutions For alternative solutions to various obstacles, it has been carried out gradually through the involvement of parties in the internal farmer organizations, in the essential community, and other multi-parties through network development and collaboration.

Keywords: Farmer Organizations, Innovation Development, People's Agroindustry

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PDF 199-207


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