Kajian Potensi Pengembangan Wisata Tanjung Mano Kecamatan Bacan Barat Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan

Aqshan Shadikin Nurdin, Rosita Rosita, Andy Kurniawan, Mahdi Tamrin


South Halmahera Regency has some locations that have the potential to be used or developed as tourist attractions. Kokotu Village, West Bacan District is one of the areas that has diverse natural wealth such as natural beauty that has potential as a tourism object. Such as white sand and beautiful sea that can attract tourist visitors. As a tourist location that is quite long, the tourist attraction has not been much managed and developed to be an advanced tourist location. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the development of Tanjung Mano tourism in Kokotu Village, West Bacan District and evaluate the potential development of Tanjung Mano Ecotourism. This research uses survey and interview methods that are qualitative descriptions. The survey method is used to observe and verify the types and potential of natural ecotourism. Meanwhile, interviews are used to find out people's perceptions and views on tourist attractions. Tanjung Mano tourist products are included in medium quality, based on the results of observations and assessments that refer to the parameters of the Bureau of Land Management, Tanjung Mano tourism objects are included in class B, namely (Medium quality). The assessment is seen from the aspect of the quality of tourist objects consisting of elements of authenticity, uniqueness, beauty, integrity and availability of development land, and institutional aspects. Although currently management is not optimal, support from related parties is needed in the development of tourism. This area has experienced a decline in the quality aspects of tourist objects due to considerations of accessibility and amenity.

Keywords: Potential, Development, Tourism, Tanjung Mano

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