Rumah Hidroponik Pada Kelompok Tani Milenial Pondok Pesantren Al Kahdzim Fitu Kota Ternate

Suratman Sudjud, Anita Ninasari, Hamidin Rasulu, Ramli Hadun


The implementation of PKM activities is based on activities that have often been carried out by the team during the Covid-19 pandemic or before the pandemic by conducting community service activities independently as a form of implementation of the tri dharma of higher education. The target partners in this program are the Ma'had Al Kahdzim Ternate Millennial Farmer Group, Fitu Village, South Ternate District, Ternate City which has 27 members and all members are housewives and are community members. The priority problems experienced by the Ma'had Al Kahdzim Ternate Millennial Farmer Group, from the production and management sectors for entrepreneurial development agreed with the PKM team, namely the level of vegetable productivity that began to decline, the limitation of planting media in the form of soil, the lack of availability of organic fertilizers or subsidized an-organic fertilizers at prices suitable for farmers, the rejuvenation of polybags must be carried out periodically and requires a special budget for procurement  New polybag, PKM program assistance to partners of the Ma'had Al Kahdzim Ternate Millennial Farmer Group, Fitu Village, absolutely must be done so that it can be sustainable by engineering agricultural technology with all the limitations that partners have, especially the problem of land availability, the need for planting media in the form of fertile soil and knowledge about good cultivation. The urban farming model using a DFT mini hydroponic system and greenhouses is a solution in overcoming partner problems. The Ma'had Al Kahdzim Ternate Millennial Farmer Group gets benefits starting from the educational process, assistance by understanding the concept of hydroponic cultivation, breeding, caring and doing a good post-harvest will provide maximum results, especially for the needs of students in consuming vegetables, besides that it can be developed as a modern agricultural container that will provide income for partners to meet other food needs,  and providing skills for millennial farmers, if they have finished carrying out education at islamic boarding schools.

Keywords: hydroponics; Millennial Farmer Group, Ma'had, Al Kahdzim, Fitu

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