Mila Fatmawati, Eka Kusuma Dewi


This study aims to analyze the level of efficiency and how much profit and the level of scale of onion farmer farming in Trans Tayawi, Koli Village. The results of the study are expected to provide benefits for shallot farmers, and as information on the policy makers of the farming sector in formulating future policies. For shallot farmers, it is hoped that it can provide additional insight in responding to possible problems, as well as in making decisions in onion farming. This research includes associative descriptive research.  This research was conducted in Trans Tayawi Koli Kosa Village, Oba District, Tidore Islands City for 6 months. The types of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The population in this study of shallot farmers in Trans Tayawi was 30 farmers, all of which were sampled (saturated sampling). The results showed that production costs consisted of fixed costs of Rp. 5,985,856 and variable costs of Rp. 40,949,400. so that the total production cost is Idr 46,935,256. The average amount of production per hectare for one growing season is 6,040 Kg with an average selling price of Rp. 35,000, then the receipt of shallot farming is Rp. 211,400,000. Analysis of the average income of shallot farmers in Koli Village, Oba District every growing season of Rp. 164,464,744 which comes from the average total receipts of Rp. 211,400,000 with an average total production cost of Rp. 46,935,256. while the cost efficiency analysis using the R/C ratio shows a value of 4.5 greater than 1 which means that onion farming is feasible because it is efficient. Meanwhile, multiple regression with the Cob-Douglas method and the help of SPSS 24 with variables consisting of Seeds (X1), Fertilizers (X2), Pesticides (X3) and Labor (X4) and onion production (Y).  The factors that influence production are seeds and fertilizers positively on the production of onion farming, pesticides and labor do not have an influence on the production of onion farming.

Keywords: Efficiency, profit, revenue, shallots.

Teks Lengkap:

PDF 229-235


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