Dita Dwi Maharani Putri, Tetty Wijayanti


Abstract. Cayenne pepper has a fairly highwater content of around 83% so that if the harvest is stored for too long it will affect the quality of the cayenne pepper. One solution to overcome this problem is to carry out further processing, processing cayenne pepper into packaged chili sauce which can be enjoyed in a more practical way and has a longer shelf life compared to cayenne pepper which has not undergone processing and can add to the selling value of the product. the. The aim of the study was to analyze the costs, revenues, revenues and added value of the Dapoer Ikan Diana chili packaging business. The research was conducted at the UMKM Dapoer Ikan Diana, Sidodadi Village, Samarinda Ulu District from September to November 2022. The data collected in this study were in the form of primary data and secondary data. Sampling was carried out using the purposive sampling method, direct interviews with the owner of the Dapoer Ikan Diana chili packaging business. The results showed that the average production cost was IDR 5.592.635,83 mo-1. The average revenue was IDR 8.496.000,00 mo-1. The average income was IDR 2.903.364,17 mo-1. The average gross value added was IDR 5.139.400,00 mo-1, the average net value added was IDR 5.109.404,17 mo-1, the average net value added per package was IDR 17.976,42 mo-1, the average added value of raw materials was IDR 306.851,10 mo-1 and the average added value per worker was IDR 108.435 mo-1.

Keywords: Receipt, Income, Value Added, Cayenne pepper.

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