Analisis Perilaku Konsumen Dalam Pembelian Cabai Merah Keriting ( Capsicum annum L) Di Kota Samarinda

Dwi Yuni Sada, Mariyah Mariyah


Nowadays, consumer behavior arises because of the need for consumers to shop in a practical and comfortable way, so at this time people tend to choose to shop at modern retail. This is a great opportunity that marketers take advantage of so that modern retail types develop by offering a complete range of products and shopping convenience. is one of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) that produces hydroponic vegetables including curly red chilies and provides ready-to-process vegetable packages. This study aims to identify consumer characteristics and determine consumer behavior in purchasing curly red chilies. This research was conducted at MSME, North Samarinda District, Samarinda City from October to November 2022. Sampling used the accidental sampling method. The number of respondents is as many as 33 people. The data analysis used is a descriptive analysis of consumer characteristics and consumer behavior in the purchasing decision-making stages. The results showed that consumers who buy curly red chilies are generally housewives aged 51-65 years and the average family income per month is above IDR 2.5 million to meet the needs of 3-4 family members with 2 purchases in one month. Consumers shop by relying on their husband's income. The purchase of curly red chilies goes through five stages, namely need recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase decision and post-purchase evaluation. At the need identification stage, it was found that 30 respondents (90,90%) bought curly red chilies to complement the food menu. Information seeking was dominated by promotions through social media and pamphlets with 14 people (42.42%). In the alternative evaluation stages obtained as many as 15 people (45,45%) prioritized physical attributes followed by low prices. At the buying stage, they shop for curly red chilies at because of a planned situation from home (curly chili supplies have run out). In the post-purchase stage, respondents stated that they were satisfied shopping at

Keywords: Chili, Hydroponics, Modern retail, Vegetables, MSME

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