Analisis Peramalan Penjualan Sayuran Hidroponik di Kota Samarinda

Zhafirah Hacipika Rahman, Mariyah Mariyah


Hydroponic is an alternative to cultivate vegetable. Hydroponic systems can be a solution for growing fruit and vegetable plants with various advantages compared to traditional farming systems. is one of the Micro Small Middle Enterprises (MSME) in North Samarinda which is engaged in the agricultural sector, especially hydroponic vegetables which is one of the suppliers of vegetables to the City of Samarinda. Forecasting is needed to estimate future demand, including the quantity, quality, time, and location needed to meet the demand for goods or services. The purpose of this study was to identify the contribution of sales based on the type of hydroponic vegetables to total sales and determine product sales for the period October 2022-December 2023. The research was conducted in August-October 2022. The data used is monthly time series data for the period January 2021- September 2022 consisting of production data and sales data. The results showed that of the highest sales data for hydroponic vegetables in 2021, namely kale (26,16%), lettuce (17,50%), and caisim (16,37%). In 2022 the highest sales of hydroponic vegetables are kale (24,74%), spinach (20,36%), and caisim (19,12%). Forecasting results for hydroponic vegetables during October 2022-December 2023 using the equation Y^'=166.39+3.51X with current total sales of 174.80 kg compared to forecasting results in October of 205.04, November of 208.55 kg and December of 212.06 kg. Therefore SMEs have met consumer demand and it is estimated that sales will increase, so must increase production capacity.

Keywords: Micro Small Middle Enterprises, Demand, Contribution, Linier Trend

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