Potensi Pohon Kenari (Canarium sp.) di Desa Talapaon Kecamatan Makian Barat Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan Provinsi Maluku Utara

Asria Alim, Muhammad Nur, Salam Salam, Laswi Irmayanti


North Maluku Province is an area that has many canarium trees, especially on Makian Island, South Halmahera Regency. Many people in Talapaon Village, West Makian District cultivate canarium trees. This location is the central area for canarium production and is a regional superior non timber forest product (NTFP) which is expected to contribute to the community's economy. The objectives of this research were: (1) to determine the potential types of canarium trees used by the people of Talapaon Village, and (2) to calculate the economic potential of canarium trees in Talapaon Village. Based on the research results, it was found that the potential of canarium trees used by the people of Talapaon village was fruit flesh, tree trunks as building wood, and firewood. The existing variations of canarium trees were Ifa daalus or small canarium, Ifa tamate or tomato canarium, and Ifa wagol or large canarium. Canarium trees in Talapaon village have quite large economic potential for the community, especially the flesh of the fruit which has a monthly income of up to IDR 1,971,515. For building wood, the income was IDR 510,000 per month, and IDR 585,000 per month for firewood. Thus, the overall economic potential of canarium trees in Talapaon Village was IDR. 3,066,515 per month.

Keywords: canarium, economic potential, Talapaon village

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