Pemanfaatan Mendong Sebagai Bahan Pengisi List Profile
List profile is a mineral board product that is increasingly in demand by the wider community. One of the advantages is a quick list profile of how to get it, resistant to attacks by wood-destroying organisms, and can be obtained in the form of attractive ornaments. In terms of economy, list profile with rofing fillers is more expensive, so other types of slicers are needed that have the same strength at a low price. Â The use of mendong fiber as a filling material for making list profiles shows the diversification of use. This study aims to determine the type of mendong and rofing fillers and the amount of plaster adhesive on the properties of the list profile. The study design used a complete randomized design with Tukey's follow-up test. The factors used are the type of filler (mendong fiber and rofing) and the amount of adhesive (600 g, 690 g, and 780 g). The parameters observed are density, water absorption, thickness development, and adhesion firmness.The results showed that the average value of density and absorption of air list profile with the type of rofing filler was better and significantly different from the mendong filler, while the development of thickness and adhesion constancy did not differ markedly. The amount of adhesive 840 g is not significantly different from 780 g, but differs markedly from 720 g in all parameters listed. The higher the amount of adhesive used, the better the nature of the list profile produced.
Keywords: List profile, gypsum, white cement, adhesive content
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