Sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) is one of the NTFPs that has high economic value and is a source of livelihood for rural communities or around forests. Palm trees have high economic potential because almost all of their parts can provide financial benefits that can be utilized. The aim of this research is to determine the potential and utilization of sugar palm plants and products produced from sugar palm trees in Gulapapo Village, Wasile District. Sugar palm is also a multipurpose plant that has long been known to produce many benefits in almost all physical parts and the production of this plant can be utilized and has economic value. The methods used in this research are survey and interview methods. Data analysis includes analysis of the potential of sugar palm plants by calculating the potential of sugar palm plants at each level starting from seedlings, saplings, poles, and trees using the sampling plot method and descriptive analysis of the use of sugar palm by the people of Gulapapo Village. The results of the research show that in Gulapapo Village there are a total of 31 sugar palm trees, 17 of which have produced, while 14 trees have not yet produced and most of the respondents process palm leaves into broom sticks. Apart from that, the parts of the plant that are used are sap which is processed into sugar, female flowers. which is processed into palm fronds and its fibers which are used as fish spawning grounds.
Keywords: potential, sugar palm, utilization
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