Identifikasi Jenis-Jenis Tumbuhan Obat Di Kampus IV Universitas Khairun, Dusun Bangko Kabupaten Halmahera Barat
Research on the Identification of Medicinal Plant Species at Campus IV of Khairun University, Bangko Village West Halmahera Regency has been completed with the aim of knowing the types of medicinal plants, the most dominant medicinal plants that can be utilized plant organs / exudates and processing of medicinal plant species and how to use them. The research method used in this study was descriptive method and data collection techniques were carried out by observation, exploration and documentation. The research data were analyzed descriptively and tabulated in the form of tables and figures. The data that has been collected in the field is then explained or described in sentence form. The results showed that on Campus IV of Khairun University, Bangko Village West Halmahera Regency, 34 species of medicinal plants were found which belonged to 21 families of 357 species of medicinal plants. Organs/exudates used are tubers, roots, stems, bark, sap, leaves, fruit, flowers, seeds and all parts of the plant. The processing is done by boiling, chewing, pounding and squeezing and the way of use is drinking, sticking, rubbing, eating and dripping.
Keywords: Â Identification, Medicinal Plants, Property.
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