Bimbingan Teknis dan Pendampingan Produksi Mocaf dan Olahannya di Pesantren Nurul Furqon Rembang

Rohadi Rohadi, Mulya Virgonita Iswindari Winta, Siti Aminah


The Nurul Furqon Islamic Boarding School, which is located in Pilangwok, Mlagen Pamotan Rembang regency, provides adequate infrastructure to develop students' interests and talents in the field of agribusiness. However, Islamic boarding schools do not have enough competent human resources in the fields of post-harvest technology, agricultural product processing and agribusiness. Therefore, the service team intends to provide technical guidance and assistance in the production of modified cassava flour (mocaf) and its products to students and managers. The empowering community partnerships program (ECP) aims to increase knowledge, skills and entrepreneurial motivation for students in the fields of post-harvest cassava, making mocaf and mocaf-based processed products. The implementation of ECP uses lecture, discussion and practice methods. The activity was attended by 25 students and selected managers from 75 participants. The ECP results showed that there was a real increase in participants' knowledge in the fields of post-harvest, mocaf production and its processed products as well as entrepreneurship, but technical support was less effective for transferring knowledge. The results of the t-test on the pre and posttest in the field of post-harvest cassava and making mocaf-based products showed that the average participant test score increased by 41.7% from 43.2 to 61.2 with a significance level of 0.001 (p < 0.05), while in the field of entrepreneurial motivation it increased 14.3% from 54.92 to 62.76. However, technical assistance in the post-harvest field and making mocaf-based products as well as student motivation are not effective for transferring knowledge and skills, with extension effectiveness values (EP) of 22.5% and 7.84% respectively. The ECP is able to increase the skills and motivation of participants in the production of mocaf and its products with indicators of product availability and the formation of mocaf-based business units.

Keywords: Nurul Furqon; Modified Cassava Flour; Brownies; Cassava]

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