Pengelolaan dan Pengembangan Agroforestri di Hutan Desa Qahabanga Kelurahan Tobololo, Kota Ternate

Abdul Kadir Kamaluddin, Mahdi Tamrin, Yuni Lutfiah Amir


Agroforestry is an integrated land use that combines forestry and agricultural crops and in which there are animal maintenance activities with optimal land use benefits through economic, ecological, and socio-cultural functions. This study aims to determine agroforestry management between forest plants and agriculture in Qahabanga Village Forest Tobololo Village and agroforestry development between forest plants and agriculture in Qahabanga Village Forest in Tobololo Village. The method used is inventory by calculating the number of types and number of individual plants and plants according to land area, sampling using a systematic sampling method approach with random start with a total number of sample plots of 20 plots from a total observation of 2 hectares. The results of the research Agroforestry management conducted by forest farmer groups in Qahabanga village forest is management consisting of land preparation, seeding, planting, maintenance, harvesting, and marketing. The conclusion of agroforestry development in village forests is pineapple plants that make pineapple jam, and nutmeg that is made into juice. From the results of the development of these plants are then marketed to add economic value.

Keywords: Agroforestry, Qahabanga, Village Forest

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