Gunawan Gunawan, Sri Lestari, Sugeng Haryanto


The distribution of beef cattle is an important aspect in maintaining the supply of beef in the consumer region. Halmahera Island, as one of the main producers of beef cattle in Indonesia, has challenges in delivering its products to consumer areas spread across various regions. Therefore, the role of sea transportation is crucial in increasing the distribution of beef cattle from Halmahera Island to consumer areas. This study aims to illustrate the important role of sea transportation in the distribution process of beef cattle and its impact on public availability and access to beef. This research method involves field surveys, interviews with industry players, and analysis of data on the availability and price of beef in consumer areas. The results showed that sea freight has a strategic role in increasing the distribution of beef cattle from Halmahera Island. Through the use of special livestock transport vessels, the number of livestock that can be delivered in one trip becomes more efficient. In addition, longer travel times compared to air freight provide more competitive prices to consumers in more distant regions. The impact of the role of sea freight is seen in the availability of beef in more even consumer areas. People in remote and hard-to-reach areas also have better access to beef supplies. In addition, the role of sea transportation also contributes to the regional economy of Halmahera Island through an increase in the volume and value of cattle exports. In conclusion, sea freight plays a central role in facilitating the distribution of beef cattle from Halmahera Island to consumer areas. The success of this sea freight system has a positive impact on the availability of beef in a wider and more diverse consumer area. In the context of agricultural development and food distribution, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of sea transportation needs to be continuously improved to support food security and economic growth in a sustainable manner.

Keywords : Transportation, Beef Cattle, Halmahera, Consumer

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