Hendra Fauzi


Urban space as a form of real physical "place" in a city where the human city and the other one will touch each other presents a complexity of relationships among its constituent elements. Therefore, in this paper will discuss the development activities of the city, ranging from routine activity, busyness and density of a city that forms the space, the atmosphere and form the character of the town. In the paper work of Pak. Douglas Kelbaoug from the University of Michigan, USA There are two interesting things from this discussion of urbanism and public space in which the grassroots and the middle and upper determine and shape the space for respectively activities, as well as confusion and debate about urban theories of our times, in practice. Douglas Kelbaoug divided into three ideologies : Everyday Urbanism, New Urbanism and Post Urbanism. Public sphere, in which each require a different treatment, it is faced with the challenge of privatization, political extremists, and the interaction of the electronic media. Of the three paradigms on top of everyday urbanism is a phenomena that often arise and occur in cities in Indonesia. Just as the overwhelming market spilled into the street which is a public facility, public activity is formed spontaneously by the people of the city, or anything else that is busy town in the morning, noon, afternoon, and evening, which at all times have different activities. Therefore the discussion will be limited to talking about everyday urbanism that is focused on the existence of a market shed.

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